Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Resolutions... Second Grade Style

For the past two days, my students and I have talked about making resolutions. I was so pleased when one of my students used one of her guided reading vocabulary words to say this: "I have determination to keep my resolutions." Ding ding ding, they get it! I love when that light bulb goes off over their heads.

Yesterday we used the cuuuuuutest activity from The Lesson Plan Diva. I am all about a craftivity (and thankfully so are my kiddos!) We had a blast making our faces look like us and thinking of resolutions for school. For the writing part, I had them write at least resolutions for school. It was awesome to see what their goals are. We have a lot who want to be on the famous 100's Board, some who want to be Terrific Kids, many who want to have Principal's Scholars (all A's on Report Card), and several who want to do a better job at demonstrating our six pillars of character.

For some reason I can not load the pictures right now, but I'll try from my home computer later.

Have a great rest of the week!

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