Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer, Summer Time

As of Thursday afternoon Summer officially started....for the students. On Friday at about 11am, my summer began. This is my first summer as a teacher and my first summer without working since the age of 15. This school year has absolutely flown by and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well it went as a first year teacher. I'm spending this summer organizing my files, creating new ideas, and of course traveling and spending time at the pool. I want to be able to teach effectively this year without staying until 6:30 everyday. Although life as a first year teacher was perfect in the classroom with my students, there were a lot of things I had to do to prepare for them on a daily basis. I'm researching various ways that teachers teach in their classroom. I had all of my students write a letter about what they loved and what was hard for them this year. It was mostly a unanimous vote- they loved the way I taught math (lots of hands on and silly sayings), but found guided reading to be hard. Second grade is a tough year because you're getting them ready for the hard parts of third grade.

This first week of summer is going to be spent tying up a few loose ends (trying to get the bag of stuff I accidentally left in my classroom), mailing important documents, and relaxing. The following week I will be at the beach, but after that I will be one researching teacher!

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